Let's say your guy is an amazing boyfriend. 4. Increasing your self-esteem can make you less resistant to compliments. Pro Tip 2. Many women search for "compliments for men" go ahead, look at the results. You'll see tons of ideas on how to compliment a guy. You make friends wherever you go! You are always so happy, positive, and upbeat! This will greatly help to amplify the delivery of your compliments. 2. Great personality. Respected. 1. 5. "Nice glasses!" I said. If he's feeling down, compliments are also a good way to cheer him up. Learning how to best take a compliment is pretty easy (even if changing an ingrained behavior takes some practice). 30 Ways On How To Compliment A Guy. Don't downplay yourself 7. Being complimented just affirms what he already thinks. 12 #34-#36 Best compliments your guy will love! 7. Let him make the date plans. Do say 'thank you'. Now that you know how to compliment a guy, let's explore some of the best compliments you could give to him. Reply Demokirby I thought I needed coffee to wake me up, but that did the trick. "It's nice of you to say that. Laugh at his jokes and give more than an LOL when he texts you something funny. Some of the best compliments for him tell him how you still get butterflies in your stomach around him: I find myself blushing around you. Compliment him on his body language: Women love to have their hands held. In the case of your Line Crush, the beard is obviously a part of his body, so a compliment on that might be interpreted as a little more flirty. This compliment is effective because you're telling your partner how you feel and that it's a direct result of something he's doing. He can sand the rough edges from the deck in your yard. I hope our children grow up to appreciate you as much as I do. 27. These phrases, when used on a guy, will give the ability you: Stay in his memory Make him feel like more of a man around you Override his logical brain and get him to melt in your presence But first: you need to know the difference between compliments and flattery. For instance, "I love your black sneakers." A celebrity comparison always works Tell him how gorgeous he his and bring a smile to his face. Tell him that his words inspire you to be a better person. Physical appearance 4. Denying a compliment is never appropriate 3. You treat me so good and we are living a great life together. You must work hard for it. "OMG! 1. In this article, you will learn some classy, romantic, and witty responses to compliments. Personality compliments 7. 30. Take him completely by surprise. If you are not interested, let him watch it in peace. You raised great kids. Or they might stammer and stutter like your guy did. Compliments on your looks are an indication that he finds you very attractive and he wants to let you know it. I understand why you might be wary of coming on too strong. Follow Nari as she tries to navigate her brand new high school life surrounded by beauties. Best Romantic Compliments you can give your husband. "You make me laugh.". Be specific about the quality. The following are some examples of how to congratulate a man: Always focus your complement on an aspect of the other person that you actually admire and respect. Go with the feeling that it brings up. I think most straight guys could handle that. For example, if the Pisces man says he loves the water, use that to compliment his kindness, compassion, or even his eyes. Now a major (K-Drama) adaptation, "The World of My 17". Let him know how good he looks in a suit or just getting out of the shower. And everyone loves a sincere and meaningful compliment. If you have an appropriate time to compliment the man in your life, he should take that compliment well. You simply have to understand 1) how you dismiss compliments, 2) why you have trouble accepting them outright, and 3) why and how you can graciously acknowledge and accept the praise of others. If your guy holds your hand when you both go out or casually hangs his arm around your shoulder, and you like this, let him know. Yeah, it will always sound weird complimenting a person's look after experiencing something physically taxing like surgery, or week-long flu. I thought this was pretty funny and I started thinking about how many times in my life I've told a woman something, given her a compliment, told her she's really hot, and then she comes back with "No, today I'm really not." When somebody tells you you're sexy, just go with the compliment. Showing him you trust him is a huge compliment. However, with a little practice, you can learn to give your man compliments that he really values. Deflecting a compliment Compliment: "Hey, I really like your tie a lot!" On top of that, it also shows that you don't have tact. 338 opinions shared on Flirting topic. I'm so happy I got to have children with you. Thank you, you've made my day.". Feeling compliments Bringing It All Together Men, compliments and you. You may spice up your outfit with some adjectives. But get creative and let that be a compliment of encouragement too, or a reminder that you are attracted by him, or a proof of respect. Imagine the surprise on his face if you surprised him with a huge birthday bash. Your jawline could slice my underwear off! I love just being near you. Say thank you, nod, smile, or compliment him as well. Your smile is so captivating to me. Best compliments for men on their looks, on their . A compliment is a comment that feels earnt. How to respond to a compliment text? 1. If he's sad, tell him what you love about him. You are looking dapper today. Once or twice a day should suffice. An Aries man is goal orientated and ambitious in his life. You're a wonderful father. How to reply to "You're so pretty!" on Instagram? Carrying in the dog food. Here is a cool collection of Compliments For Men that make him feel lovely. Compliment him by showing him that you trust him Trust is important to everyone. Talk about things that he cares about . Here are a few tips on how to do this: Show interest in the game by asking him to explain it to you. 3. Fake compliments instantly turn off men. "You look extra manly today." 2. 15 Examples On How To Respond To A Compliment 1. You make me feel beautiful. Ultimately, the most important thing to remember is that the continent has to fit the situation. Plus it's one of those compliments that will stick with him and make him feel like he's the hero that he's always wanted to be. You are a man of character 5. You can do it through an attraction-based message. Even if you plan to flirt back and that means looking at the man from beneath your lashes, you should still maintain eye contact while doing so. Since a Pisces man values language, use words to compliment him. "Thank you. Say something like, "Thank you, that's very kind of you," or "Thank you, I appreciate the compliment." 2. I'm glad you liked it!" 2. 28. You Look Beautiful When You Laugh Who says you cannot use a lovely feminine term to make a man blush with delight? [10] Your shirt brings out the blue in your eyes. This is a great way to make your . You turn me on more than anyone I've ever been with. I love the way your hands are worshiping my body. "These Are My Goals And Ambitions In Life". Telling someone you like their shirt/they have a cool job/that was a good joke has never really gotten a strong sexual/romantic reaction in my experience. Take a dance lesson or two. And if you're going to compliment a man, how to actually do it in a way that's guaranteed to create attraction. Let's say your guy is really handy. : if he just started going to the gym . You give me butterflies when you smile like that. If you don't know how to do that, let me give you a quick guide here 1. Let him know that his warm spirit reminds you of the gentle sound of waves lapping at the shore. Denial Compliment: "Hey, great haircut !" Your response: "Oh no, I really hate that and I want to get rid of it." It makes them feel like they have bad taste. Best of all, a compliment about a guy's hair is a pretty casual way of letting them know that you like how he looks. This is a line you can use when your man exhibits some real masculine traits like lifting really heavy stuff. 2. 1. You are an extremely dexterous person 6. Add adjectives to your dress. Hearing that he's appreciated will always help lift his mood. Telling a man he looks beautiful or pretty when he laughs is another pleasant way to make him feel good. It can be difficult to respond because you don't want to sound like you're gushing over him, even if you are. This will infuse some kind of pride in your man making him have more confidence in his abilities. The 'thanks for the compliment' reply 2. Don't go overboard Sometimes we only focus on the goal of "complimenting" and forget to connect the words with the other person. You are such a social butterfly. However, they are a tad bit generic. I really admire the way . You know, keep it brief, keep it light. Let him pick out something to decorate a room. Intelligence and wisdom compliments 5. If a man doesn't compliment you, it means that he is not attracted to or interested in you in any way. #3: The Classic Physical Compliment Compliment his looks and you'll make him blush! You might be trying to be polite, but out complimenting or one-upping, especially if it is an immediate reaction, can appear disingenuous. Make sure you do not give a compliment out of pity, as a man can see right through this. 10 Ways Compliments Are Dismissed How do you manage it so well? Just be sure you're genuine in your compliments. Now this isn't the most original compliment, but men do love being able to make a . How to Compliment a Guy's Appearance 1 "You're really cute!" 2 "You're super striking." 3 "I love your smile." 4 "Have you been working out? A guys personality is what makes him special. He might have been flustered because he wasn't accustomed to receiving compliments of that nature and was caught off-guard. Don't One-Up or Out-Compliment. Say, "Oh you're too kind!" 3. Character compliments 3. A nice compliment can go a long way in making a guy's day. My friends and relatives adore you 7. You look good always, every time I open my eyes to see you. He can do a great job installing dimmers on your light switches. Admired. If you find yourself constantly second-guessing compliments, maybe there is something you need to change about your self-evaluations. "Thanks, I am glad to hear that from you.". Other sweet compliments for guys include: 1. Think of how you felt the last time you received one. The best phrases to respond to compliments "Thank you! He smiled and nudged the girl next to him, who was talking to some other people. For example, saying 'you look well', ' I love your jacket, it really suits you', or 'your new haircut looks so great!' are all really nice ways of complimenting a guy you don't know super well yet on his appearance. I know I'm not the only one who enjoys being around it. If you flatter him just for the heck of it without any sincerity, he'll know. It's yours and only yours. Plan dates and surprises around his love for football. "You still give me butterflies". Compliment this man for his intelligence. 1. If you didn't look the way you do, I would totally have a clever comeback for that. The first guy I complimented was in my grocery store. In case you are complimenting them, you will be going to receive something you have not expected if you want your relationship to run smoothly with honesty and let your partner get an idea about what you feel for them. If you want to make a proper compliment to a guy (and really have a positive effect on his self-esteem), show him he's right when he really is. Our kids are lucky to have you. Do not OVER DO IT, the best way to compliment a man is regarding how he has helped you or how he has made you realize more life goals. There is much he wants to achieve in his life, but he gets really excited when he hears the woman in his life is equally ambitious. So, keep the compliments about her personality, her quirks, and her achievements. Here are some of the unique ways to compliment a person. 1. You are a worthwhile and splendid son/brother/friend, etc. You made my day!" "That's very kind of you." "Much obliged!" "I appreciate you taking the time out to express that." "That's music to my ears. You can draw inspiration on how to compliment a handsome boyfriend. The way you dealt with this situation is highly admirable 3. Share the . Making the bed when you get home. He will generally give make these nice comments when he is trying to raise your self-esteem in an effort to flirt with you. It is his dream to be in a power couple. Here are a few ways of how to compliment a guy: Always compliment about a quality you genuinely appreciate in the given person. The simplest way to respond to a compliment is to say "thank you.". He won't feel a connection to what you're saying that way. Your voice is so deep, masculine, and comforting. Examples of How to Compliment a Guy on His Looks I love what you've done with your hair today. It means a lot to me." "Thank you! I feel so protected and comfortable around you. To help you out, we have listed a few tips to help you give sincere and thoughtful compliments to the love of your life. You make me weak in the knees. "I can't tell you how happy I am to have you in my life." 8. There are hundreds of lists out there. 3. A thoughtful and genuine compliment can make a man smile and make his day. You are quite stylish and polished. I really appreciate what you just said.". 115 Compliments For Your Man To Make Him Feel Special November 1, 2021 by Barrie Davenport You're head over heels in love. I was buying coffee, and he had on some cool Elvis Costello-style glasses. He may not be able to quote Shakespeare but he can set up the router in your apartment. Your hair is so on point today - especially if his hair is a big part of his style. You are such a guy. He doesn't care about your thoughts, feelings, or opinions, because he has no feelings for you as an individual. Also, you might not find the guy attractive. 1. That shirt really brings out the blue in your eyes - works for green eyes, too, but not so much brown. He can do a great job installing dimmers on your light switches. Believe it or not, men like hearing compliments. The person bestowing the compliment will be most receptive to a humble response. This one goes hand in hand with the previous tip. You are my favorite hug. Say, "Oh stop it! For someone who just had surgery, you look pretty good. He may not be able to quote Shakespeare but he can set up the router in your apartment. With that in mind, always be careful and thoughtful when complimenting someone on their looks. Let's say your guy is really handy. A simple and nice compliment can nurture and strengthen the relationship you share with your partner. Honey, you make me all flustered when you look at me like that. Think of instances when such a quality was reflected by the person. A man will spend a lot of time flattering a women when he is romantically or sexually interested in her. 2. Just remember guys do love a challenge and not a girl who will make it too e. He can sand the rough edges from the deck in your yard. If you're fishing for compliments, you're in the right place. It is definitely okay to want to repay a compliment . You look rugged and manly in that outfit. Make eye contact and smile when you compliment a guy. Effort compliments 2. Compliment this man for his intelligence. We love compliments about ourselves, but when you give us a compliment, you can make it stronger simply by adding, "because." By doing so, you make your compliment carry much more weight and have a stronger impact. When a guy sends you a picture of himself, he's hoping you'll say something nice about it. If you feel good about yourself, you may feel good when someone else notices something positive about you. They make us laugh, they make us cry, they make us happy, and they make us sad. There are some guys who automatically think it's flirting, other might just smile and say thank you. I feel so deeply connected to you. A unique way to compliment a guy. You're a great father. Nice shoes. You can compliment his toes or neck or an all number of random body parts all you like, but unless it's something that he cares about, he won't feel the benefit. The effort you put into the gift will convince him of the special . Telling a man that he makes you feel safe will make him feel like he scored big time getting you. Irresistible. Wow. Return the compliment 4. Your motivation in life spills and motivates the people around you as well. I wish I had an ass like yours. 4 Boost your self-esteem. If you decide to compliment her appearance (though again, that's dicey), don't make it pervy mention her cute. 2. Any one of these compliments is a great option: "Your haircut looks great on you!" "I really like how you've been growing out your hair." "Your new haircut has you looking like such a snack." 6 "You've got such cute ears!" "Thank you for always _____". The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the compliment, you show . The "You're so funny" compliment There is no greater sound to a man than your laughter. 1. But somehow, she ends up friends with the three prettiest girls in school! Wow, you look so hot in those jeans! Too many or overly enthusiastic compliments can make him uncomfortable and won't get you anywhere. Respond to a compliment text with a GIF 5. Today, we're going to take a look at some of our favorite compliments for men - things you can say to your guy in any given situation that will make him feel like he's king of his castles. It also indirectly discounts the original compliment given to you. 8. Compliments about his looks. These aren't bad compliments. 1. 2. You look so fit. Never change that about yourself. 3. Your hair looks amazing. Another rule of accepting a compliment is to make eye contact as much as possible.