The next time someone compliments you and you find yourself awkwardly tiptoeing into your shoes, take a breath, smile, and use these points below. WAW for the feeling when someone compliments you and you get a bit overwhelmed and are unsure of what to say? These tactics are meant to feel good and validate someone (the mark) who wants it (due to underlying insecurities or emotional vulnerability) . In fact, you might feel "shy", "corny", "dumb", or even "ridiculous" when someone compliments you. React. So the next time someone tries to compliment you, go on and let them. solved. save. Just accept it and say, "Thank you." Appreciative compliments show appreciation for something about which one has knowledge or . . Don't Assume the Other Person Doesn't Mean It 3. no need to be embarrassed Just accept it and say "thank you." Don't feel the need to follow through with a charitable . Stage 4: Share our experience with other. Pay Attention to your Body Language 3. This is the main reason why we rarely give or receive compliments. Nevertheless, if you believe that positive reinforcement is better than punishment, you may be motivated to change this. Accepting the compliment with gusto: Your discomfort - or need to feel good because of how badly you feel about yourself - might show itself by you gloating or inflating its meaning.. The feeling when someone compliments you on something you're especially insecure about My girlfriend recently looked at me for a little while and then randomly said 'I love your nose.' And she doesn't know how insecure I am about my nose so it felt so genuine and a feeling like nothing other took me over for a second. If it's over text, just use an emoji back. Being complimented about my taste in music, for example, would make me feel flattered. "Accomplishments feed self-esteem," says Dr. Saltz. Yes, it's really easy if someone compliments you. She will enjoy her day more, and the happiness she has gained from your compliment might help her fight all the stress she is going through. Be Optimistic What to Say After You Express Your Gratitude What Not to Do When Receiving a Compliment 1. Repay the Compliment 8. Don't Go Fishing 10. The next time someone compliments you and you find yourself shuffling your toes awkwardly inside your shoes, take a breath, smile and use these any of these points below. Answer (1 of 2): It is a huge ego boost. This is an effective compliment for kids because you're praising them for specific behavior and decisions they can control, and it also provides positive reinforcement. Saying that someone is great at something "for a woman" or "for your age" won't leave them feeling good about themselves. If it's in person, just smile back. You are such a joy to be around because you always make me laugh and look at things from a different perspective. Think Before You Speak 3. The less stress she has, the more confident she will feel. Your single compliment can raise her confidence. Stay Humble 4. This is a positive feeling, to be clear. The weird feeling when someone compliments you for playing Sym. I went on a road trip for the day down to RI to go to the beach with a friend yesterday. share. 11 Ways to Respond to Compliments 1. That's why acknowledging your achievements--and accepting the praise that comes your way--can be so powerful. Thank you!" 14 "I hadn't thought of it that way. In that case, it stops being enjoyable and becomes uncomfortable. Rachel Sussman, a psychotherapist and relationship expert in New York City, told INSIDER that compliments help people feel seen and acknowledged a universal human need. Don't Ignore It 4. Chibi Symmetra. Also, when someone else gives you a . I'm glad you liked it!" "Thank you for acknowledging my work!" "I appreciate the thoughtful compliment. "What's important is not necessarily what [others think of you], but what you know yourself," she explains. Accept & Move-On 7. All you need to know is that if he's holding that eye contact with you, it's because he's interested and has feelings for you. 2 years ago. Depends what kind of compliment, of course! 1. So instead of waiting too long *3 seconds can feel like a lifetime*, allow them to thank you for the compliment, smile . There are also occasions, though, when someone can compliment you too much. " People just want to be recognized and appreciated for the good that they do," she said. You might smile and turn away, for example. Acknowledgment 2. Share but Don't Transfer the Credit 4. 3. 5: Confidence. I always have fun when I'm with you. "You're really good at drawing!" "No, I'm not. Keep it Simple Final Thoughts on Responding to Compliments What is a compliment? 2. Being complimented about my bikini, on the other hand, screams creep alert. Don't Correct Them 6. It's like a natural high, especially for someone who has a low self-esteem like me. Instead, offer your compliments without any qualifiers or comparisons. However, it doesn't last long. Humor. I love your generosity.". You both get the experience new things. Personality Compliments. 1. 9) The compliments are flowing You look amazing today. #1 say thank you. "It makes them feel really good about that person who complimented and about themselves." Posted by. It means a lot to me." "Thank you! Archived. Your gut instinct is definitely right. You might smile and turn away, for example. 2. Neither meaning is complimentary. Descriptive compliments describe what someone looks like or says they believe. If you're an introvert dating an extrovert, I'm sure there have been times where you've done things you never thought you'd do, but you've loved doing them. The weird feeling when someone compliments you for playing Sym. Answer (1 of 6): I would say one of those two is probably less true than you are admitting. Another reason compliments can feel uncomfortable is because the words you hear don't line up with the way you see yourself. Respond briefly with "Thank you, that's very nice." and then remove yourself from the situation as best you can. It's Not a Competition 9. Don't Be Self-Serving 11. Don't Boomerang Compliments or Claim It's "Luck" 2. Avoid being rude or cynical; it will only inflame the situation unnecessarily. Referred to as cognitive dissonance . Share the Credit 5. 83. Your Self-Image Doesn't Line Up. (Stage 1: Freeze.) If someone compliments you, there is no need to be shy about it. I want to use "flustered," but typical connotations of . Waiting for the other person to say something makes everything awkward. And immediately, continue the conversation from before the compliment. 5 comments. One case would be the flattery or charm manipulation tactics. #1 Say thank you Yep, it really is that easy. You always make my day better when I am feeling down. Humor. Surprises often bring joy or excitement, and for some people, even emotionally pleasant news can be cognitively intense. Same goes for extroverts dating introverts. On the way home we were sitting in my car in a gas station parking lot drinking coffee, and some guy walked past and told me he loves my car. I love what you've sone with your hair. 13 "You're so thoughtful for sharing your toys with your sibling. For example, "You have black hair" is a descriptive compliment. Close. It feels like a backhanded compliment and can be demeaning. According to NHS (Trusted Source), Stress and difficult life events, such as . You made my day!" "That's very kind of you." "Much obliged!" "I appreciate you taking the time out to express that." "That's music to my ears. 1. Their heart . For me, I sometimes refuse compliments because I feel they aren't genuine and are just trying to be nice, but other times, especially when I'. The best phrases to respond to compliments "Thank you! Usually. You're the funniest person I've ever met. Express Gratitude and Keep It Simple 2. There are several types of compliments: descriptive, appreciative, favorable, enthusiastic, and respectful. I wish I knew more people like you, you really have the ability to make people around you happy. Focus exclusively on what you admire in the other person and ignore how they compare with others. I'm terrible at drawing." That response indicates either a) you believe I have terrible taste and cannot discern good drawing from bad, or b) you think I'm lying. Here are the 10 best things about dating someone who complements you. This is a positive feeling, to be clear. That feeling when someone compliments your car It's the best feeling ever.